Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeaters and Noisy Miners belong to the same family - hard to believe just looking at their faces. Around our yard they seem migratory, appearing during late winter and early spring. They are an assertive species and stand up to their Noisy cousins. Each season after a period of negotiation, the two species settle for a time-sharing arrangement of the plants in our backyard.
The Blue-faced Honeyeaters were particularly good friends with Fatty the King Magpie (and Maggie's foster dad), his Queen Molly and their family and could often be seen sitting next to them on the trees sharing a yarn. Although these birds are shier than their Noisy cousins and are not as chatty with us, we have been very fortunate in witnessing some very interesting events about their interaction and relationship with the magpies. These involve the code of conduct amongst bird species and support for their territorial rules amongst the magpies.
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