
Crow sitting on a post Crows are surprisingly shy birds, despite their size and loud talk.  They can make a varitey of sounds and use their limited vocabulary quite imaginatively. 

Crows are interested and friendly and always show their gratitude. They are very intuitive birds and are quick at understanding one's words and intentions.

Crows love to communicate, negotiate and help people and birds. They are very responsive birds and quite often let the smaller birds boss them around.  We have many stories to share with our readers.

(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).

Previous Slide 1/4 NextCrowsA quick look aroundA quick look aroundAh - some nice leftoversAh - some nice leftoversA loving pairA loving pairWelcome to my nestWelcome to my nest

Stay tuned to their stories by subscribing to the Wild Bird Talking Newlsetter and the WingedHearts Blog.

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