Welcome To My Chamber...

'Who's that calling me as I walk up to the gate?  It's a galah.'  They seem to know I have a camera and want to show me something.  But as I look on, I discover there's much going on and the birds are delighted to let me photograph their activities.... 

Have a look at the slideshow and see what I found...

(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).
Previous Slide 1/13 NextGalahs Go Camera Crazy?Why is that Galah calling out to me for no apparent reason?Why is that Galah calling out to me for no apparent reason?Not one - but two and the other's upto something strange!Not one - but two and the other's upto something strange!The second is a femaleThe second is a femaleand the pair are in deep contemplation...and the pair are in deep contemplation...the female head goes into a hole again.the female head goes into a hole again.The lady's pleased with the nest..The lady's pleased with the nest..the guy feels she'll like him too.the guy feels she'll like him too.Their friend is waiting and watching from a distanceTheir friend is waiting and watching from a distancewhile the sweethearts ponder their next movewhile the sweethearts ponder their next movethe friend's mate calls me toothe friend's mate calls me toothey like us to know this is an important time -they like us to know this is an important time -while they prepare to leavewhile they prepare to leaveto spread the news.to spread the news.


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